Soul of a Citizen has introduced us to many individuals who have taken upon themselves to make changes happen. Whether it was being involved in programs, introducing us to new programs, or learning from others’ inspiring actions, we can all use the inspiration within this book to encourage us to act responsibly as a citizen. These actions mimic the Franciscan values that are wrapped around many organizations and schools. One such individual highlighted in this book was Virginia Ramirez. Virginia, a Hispanic woman, who stayed at home with her children, never finished college. She was involved with her children and the community doing deeds such as baby sitting for neighbors and PTA activities. She noticed that an elderly neighbor had failing health every winter due to her living conditions. Her house was “so dilapidated that it couldn’t retain heat” (Loeb, 2010). As a caring neighbor, Virginia went to the city to find assistance for the neighbor. After being chased from department to department not finding any help, her neighbor died of pneumonia. Virginia was told that if her house was not so cold, she would have never died. Virginia was very upset. Not only was she not able to help her neighbor, but she was frustrated with the system—jumping through hoops to try to get assistance for her neighbor proved to be …show more content…
Community services, helping others in need, and giving and providing for the poor and all important actions I want them to see me doing, and to participate in as well. Therefore, as a family we help not only other family members, but neighbors alike. We were to “go to” family prior to moving, for our elderly neighbors when they needed assistance in any form. We cut trees, cut lawns, rototilled gardens, raked leaves, took laundry off lines, and help fix minor projects around their