Definition Essay Family

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In my opinion, family is not specific to individuals within ones bloodline, but it also includes those who are married into your family, live in your household, and any adopted children. On occasion, people that I am close with are also referred to as family. Hence, that would include someone that I grew up with, have known for an extended period of time, and someone whom I can count on in time of need. Additionally, I can appreciate when members of a community e.g. gang members, members of a religious organization, and/or some sort of club refers to another (person in that group) as a family member. My definition of what family is was formulated by the values and beliefs installed in me from my parents, grandparents, and other family members. …show more content…

Moreover, Jehovah’s Witness places the word “brother” or “sister” before pronouncing the person’s name which implies family and a sense of belonging. Calling each other brother or sister qualifies their unity for each other. It tends to include those who are baptized, unbaptized, and those who regularly attend the Kingdom Hall for service. I found that those terms helps others to feel like they are part of a family and the teaching and feeling of belongingness is often extended to those who are not part of their ministry. Additionally, we grew up surrounded by people who were of the same race as us. The people from my neighborhood were poverty stricken, of the same ethnic background, and class that we were and being surrounded by others we mirrored a great sense of belongings and togetherness amongst the community members. Furthermore, the children played together, the parents partied together, and a sense of togetherness and family was installed and created. Hence, my brother’s closes friends were referred to as our cousins and if anyone bullied me, they quickly apologized once they found out who I was related to. This safety net made me feel proud and pleased to be part of this extended family. Furthermore, I actually felt like these individuals were really a part of my family and not just “play