Crisis Management Plan For School Gun Shootings

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A crisis can be defined as an unexpected occurrence that may have negative consequences, which can lead to uncertainty, instability, and, in many cases, a need for immediate action or response. A crisis can also increase public popularity or create public distrust. For example, in the wake of 9/11 attacks, Giuliani was hailed by many for his leadership during the crisis. When polled just six weeks after the attack, Giuliani received a 79% approval rating among New York City voters, a dramatic increase over the 36% rating he had received a year earlier — seven years into his administration (Quinnipiac University Poll, 2007). Giuliani became a household hero as New York mayor on September 11, 2001. By contrast, President George Bush’s slide …show more content…

One of the best course of actions that public administrators can take is plan crisis management. Crisis management refers to activities that involve the immediate response to crisis such as a disaster, recovery efforts, mitigation, and preparedness, efforts to reduce the impact of possible future crises. Such activities could last a few hours to several months. Creating an action plan can help public administrators to identify potential risks, make changes that perhaps prevent a crisis, and educate responders how to respond when a crisis …show more content…

In developing crisis management plans, the public administrator should bring all the stakeholders together with their unique viewpoints. For example, bring students, parents, teachers, and possibly psychologists together and develop mentoring programs that connect with other students who has been through what the troubled student is going through. That could ease the emotional turbulence of the troubled student. Also, educate school teachers on how to identify and respond to a student who shows imminent warning signs. One of the possible solutions could be: If warning signs are detected, have conversations with the students to offer them help. A simple conversation and rapport can create a huge impact on a person going through emotional turbulence.
However, in reality, nothing is certain and errors can be made. Research can be misconducted or one could misinterpret the available data. For example, if the root causes of the school gun shooting were not vengeance, it could be that the actual cause of an outbreak was a violent video game. As soon as recognized this error, the administrator should go back to the same process from the beginning and try to find new solutions. However, this time, the public administrator should, if possible, change the current plan