Critical Review Of Literature: Review Of A Critical Review On Literature Review

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Review of literature:
Literature review is a critically summary of most important literature which conducted by many researchers help to answer the research problem. (Fain 2009).Evaluating the studies by critically appraisal of four valid keys which are validity, reliability ,bias and rigours (Melnyk and Overholt 2011)
Search strategy :
Most of the literature was collected from electronic search from Cardiff University’s electronic library. PubMed, Cochrane library ,MEDLINE ,psycho info, clinical trial databases and Google scholar engine were searched . Books of EBP and research were used from Oman Nursing Institute Library. Moreover, backward and forward chaining was accessed .The key wards used during searching were major depression, cognitive behavioral therapy ,combined CBT and antidepressant ,reduce depressive symptoms, psychotherapy ,pharmacotherapy and efficiency Initially, forty articles reviewed but not all were included ,it narrowed to 7 studies according to inclusion and exclusion criteria.(Table 1&2)
Table 1:
Inclusion criteria
Exclusion criteria
Studies from 2006 to 2016 published in English language
Studies before 2006
Adolescent and adult
Pregnant ,children and elderly patient
Effect of antidepressant and CBT in patient with major depression
Other type of depression ,depression with substance misuse
Systematic review, met analysis and RCTs
Qualitative research Table 2:
Type of studies used
Total number
Random control Trials

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