In Vitro Fertilization Research

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Does In Vitro Fertilization increase the number of chimeras? Done by: Rofhiwa Ralinala Table of contents: 1. Introduction: Page 3 2. Background: Page 3 3. Methodology: Page 3 4. Processing of Findings (Data Presentation and data analysis): Page 4 5. Conclusion: Page 7 6. Evaluation: Page 7 7. Reference list and Bibliography: Page 8 8. Appendix: Page 10 Introduction: Scientists estimate that 1 in every 8 people started life as a twin, however today 1 in every 70 people are actually a twin. What happened to the rest of the twins? You could be a chimera but not know it because 50% to 70% of humans are chimeras according to Dr. Ann Reed who is the chairwoman of rheumatology research at Mayo Clinic. However, …show more content…

I investigated the methods of IVF and why people used IVF on Google for articles or studies. This is because I was trying to link it up to chimeras and have a better understanding of IVF.I then came across that one of the parts of the method of IVF has injecting more than one embryo and that had resulted in multiple pregnancies, and it was one of the risks of IVF. I then researched more about the risks of IVF on Google for articles or studies, by doing this I was trying to found out more about how the risks were formed. I eventually found out and investigated the risks of multiple pregnancies and I came across fusing of embryos and Vanishing twin syndrome. By knowing all the information to answer my question and about my topic. I then started to do a mindmap and I jotted down the important information I found. Eventually I linked them all up and I realised I needed proof. I then started to gather proof from Google on studies of some of the information I gathered. I found studies from the Human Fertilisation Embryology Authority (HFEA) website, a table that showed that IVF increases chances of multiple pregnancies and a graph that showed proof of more embryos being injected into …show more content…

IVF is a type of fertility treatment and a form of Assisted Reproductive Technology (ART). IVF is usually used when people cannot conceive naturally or they are having difficulty conceiving. The IVF process is when the females have to take fertility drugs such as Gonadotrophin-releasing hormone (GnRH) and Pituitary agonists (analoques) to stimulate the ova so that the ova can develop into mature eggs. This is to create a higher chance of falling pregnant. Fertility drugs then stop mensuration so that the egg does not get wasted and excreted out of the uterus. Females then have to take hormone injections for twelve days such as Gonadotrophins, Follicle Stimulating Hormone (FSH) and Luteinising Hormone (LH) so that the number of matured eggs that gets released can increase because only one egg gets released per cycle. Therefore more eggs can be collected to fertilize in the lab so that there is wider range of healthy embryos and the chances of falling pregnant is higher. When the eggs are ready to be extracted, the eggs will be extracted and fertilized together with fresh semen to form embryos, which are left to grow in a culture dish in a lab. After three to five days, the healthiest embryos usually one or two embryos will be put into the females uterus through a thin tube called a