Csib Incident Report Sample

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CCIB Intake received incident report from reporting party Julia Bobadilla, Social Worker (562) 437-4114. The reporting party (RP) reported being contacted by school office of Williams Elementary 7530 Arnett St., Downey, CA 90241 (562) 904-3564. The school office reported observed what appeared to be a burn to foster child Amber Gonzales ' DOB; 11/14/08 right hand. DCF Arlene Barragan investigated. On 3/17/17 foster mother Alma Yepes took the foster child to the hospital located at 11500 Brookshire Ave., Downey, CA 90241 (562) 904-5000 for an examination, the wound was cleaned and wrapped. According to investigator Arlene Barragan, no one in the foster home had information regarding the burn to the foster child 's hand including the foster child

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