Fmcg Industry Essay

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All research needs to be informed by existing knowledge in a subject area. The literature review identifies and organizes the concepts in relevant literature. When researcher embarks on a dissertation they are typically expected to undertake a literature review at an early stage in the development of their research. Often this may be their first significant encounter with the journal and other literature on their subject.
Researcher has thoroughly gone through available literature on “A Study of Corporate Social Responsibility Awareness on Consumer Buying Patterns with special reference to Fast Moving Consumer Goods Products in Pune City”. Researcher has referred published literature of various research articles, various journals, Govt. literature/statement/ policy and took the stock of the review of literature which is summarized as follows:
The purposes of the present review of literature are enlisted as follows:
1. To understand the general trend about Corporate Social Responsibility in the FMCG industry around the world.
2. To identify the causes of development of Corporate Social Responsibility as a strategic tool.
4. To find out how the consumers have changed their perception about FMCG industry, and how the …show more content…

Praise for the first edition:
"A complete reference guide...offers an invaluable combination of lessons learned and best practice for the future...provides first–hand insights" (Forum CSR International, October 2008)

"This is a timely and innovative contribution to the field of Corporate Social Responsibility" (Retail & Leisure International, February 2008)
"...a handy reference to have on the shelf behind your desk..." (Ethical Performance, February 2008)
“You will not find a wider display of today’s key global players and their action programs than here.” (CSR–, May 2008)
“The book contains a great deal of detailed research.” (Supply Management, May

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