Cullen Davis Jury Essay

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So again Davis was back in court. Davis was still the celebrity he was not long before. Fans were lined up to see him. Reporters were trying to get interviews. The murder trial that shook the Lone Star State now had a sequel that gained even more attention than the first. Davis had been in the news so long that people began to feel that they knew the guy. “You attract a lot of nuts at anything with this much publicity. This man has been in the public eye so long people feel like they know him.” saidTarrant County Sherriff Evans. One man tried to visit Davis in jail on the grounds that he knew him. Said he wanted to exorcize the evil from Davis’ soul.”
The public loved Davis, but the hard evidence was tough to ignore. But Davis’ defense had a trick up their sleeve. A ballsy defense that would leave people puzzled even to this day.
October 1979, Davis took the stand and gave his testimony of his version of the story. Cullen claimed to be working for the FBI, not McCrory. He was contacted by the …show more content…

On November 9, 1979, they were ready to give the verdict. The courtroom was silent as the foreman stood to announce the verdict. Cullen Davis, the richest man ever to be tried for murder was found NOT GUILTY…again. Everyone was shocked. The prosecutors were flabbergasted. The defense was astonished. The judge was pissed. Nobody knew how this could have happened. “I can’t believe it. I can’t believe that 11 decent citizens would vote to turn that man loose” said prosecutor Jack Strickland. “I don’t care what happens next. If that’s the kind of conduct people want to approve of in this community. I don’t care.” How can a man with so much going against him get off the hook again? The jury stated that the recordings corroborated Davis’ claims. “We went over everything thoroughly. We had made up our minds after we had gotten to listen to the tape testimony.” Not soon after all of his other pending charges were