Cultural And Cultural Capital In Education

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Bourdieu (1986) has a wide variety of capitals and he states that capitals come in three fundamental ways, as cultural, social and economic. (Bourdieu, 1986). Bourdieu’s best known concept is cultural capital and it exists in combination with the other forms of capital. “It cannot be understood in isolation from the other forms of capital, economic, symbolic and social capital that together constitute advantage and disadvantage in society”. (Bourdieu, 1985 cited in Reay, D., 2000 p.569). Social capital is created between the family and wider society. Economic capital is wealth that can be inherited or created between the individual and the economy. Symbolic capital is expressed through personal qualities. (Bourdieu, 1985 cited in Reay, D., 2000). One form of capital can be linked into another such as, economical capital can be converted into cultural capital and cultural capital can be linked into social capital. (Bourdieu, 1986 cited in Reay, D., 2000). I will explore these capitals concentrating particularly on cultural and economic capital in terms of education and the impact they have on the experiences of young people in the second level school system. Cultural/Social/Economic Capital: The choices and transitions into second level education are governed by many things such as, social backgrounds, family experiences, financial abilities and parental control. Choices which are made at this transitional stage into second level education has a huge influence on how