Cultural Identity Analysis

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1.)Absolutely true emphasizes trustworthiness,loyalty,and devotion. It represents something that is absolutely real/ that is put into reality.
Part time emphasizes half,somewhat legal alien,outsider, and not committed. It represents something that is not fully developed/part of something.
The pictures emphasizes someone being Indian,and what phrases in their life that impacts them directly.
When first seeing this title, it made me think of culture,something that emphasizes/relates to cultural identity.
The cover references neither Junior internal struggle, nor the struggle between Junior and the white power structure. The only internal conflict/struggle is Man vs self, which is not included in the cover.The cover is just black. Black represents …show more content…

Language plays a huge important role in developing and recognizing the author's tone. Junior language draws the teen readers into the realities of his life by using literal language, and being a teen. The author insights the reader by going deeper into his personal life,for example,not eating for 18 hours,walking 22 miles,and getting into a physical altercation everyday. In other words being stressed,which most teens go through. In addition,his language is understandable for teens to grab. Furthermore,he's a teen,and he explains everything as a teen would,which teens can relate to. Everything in this book is absolutely literal,and justify the stereotypical portrayal of …show more content…

6.).His understanding of addiction transcend ethnicity and class because of the fact mostly everyone he hangs around with has certain types of addictions. His understanding of certain addictions does not associate with ethnicity or certain classes. For example,his father which is Indian is addicted to alcohol and his friend Penelope which is White has bulimia. His understanding does not only associate with only a certain race, but all races in general can have certain types of addictions.

Examples: My friend (Indian) and his father (White) are both addicted to alcohol. They are both part of a different race,but has the same