
Curfew Persuasive Essay

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Though teens are always pushed to be responsible and do the right thing they are often treated like children; underappreciated and not respected. Teenagers are expected to be responsible but how are they supposed to be confident in their responsibility if they are always confined? With many responsibilities and freedom at this time, teenagers like to be taken seriously and be seen as mature young adults. Confining them in a way such as curfew makes them feel untrusted and while they want to abide by the rules set forth, they see it as unfair when their freedom is taken away. As teenagers lose their independence to a petty law, it is questioned whether or not changing the curfew would be beneficial for the community or just a headache for the …show more content…

While adults and parents believe being strict on teenagers makes them less likely to act out, it hasn't been proven true. One may argue having a short curfew would cut down on mischievous teenagers getting into trouble and though this is a good point, many things teens involve themselves in can happen at any time of the day, not only past 10 pm. The behavior of a kid can't be changed by merely adjusting a curfew; if someone wants to get into trouble they will do it regardless of the time. Because teenagers hold more responsibility they have chances to do more things and expand out with their freedom. As teenagers are more free and have better opportunities for activities and independence a lot turn to jobs as a source of income. Most jobs available to teenagers are part time and are unique hours pushing them to work during late times in the day. For many this means being on the roads and getting home later than 10 pm. This being said, teenagers given an early curfew could lose their jobs due to lack of availability or the unwanted struggle of making sure they leave in time for curfew; this then reduces a teenagers chance for more freedom and takes away their ability to learn responsibility and control over ones

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