
Curiosity Can Kill In Mole, Button, By Richard Matheson

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Curiosity Can Kill Take a moment to reflect and think, do you think with your heart or your brain? Norma, the protagonist of Richard Matheson's "Button, Button," has her morals tested when she and her husband, Arthur, receive a mysterious button from a stranger promising a large amount of money in exchange for pressing it to end a random person's life, leading Norma to debate with her thoughts before ultimately giving in to curiosity and pressing the button, resulting in overwhelming regret and loss. In the story “Button, Button” by Richard Matheson, it is clear that Norma is a caring and curious person, but gradually, she allows greed to take over and encounters her husband’s demise. Therefore, one should not let curiosity get the better of them, and one should be …show more content…

For example, her husband tore up the card that Mr. Steward gave, including his number, just in case they had any inquiries about the button. The next day, Norma is still curious about last night, so she picks up the pieces and goes to work. She continues to explore the button further by contacting Mr. Steward, he sends another one to their house. The button was within her reach, it would be impossible to let go of it both physically and mentally. Her curiosity led to her clicking the button because she wants to know if it is genuine, she ignores her husband’s reaction and only has her eyes on the button, showing how her curiosity stopped her from thinking logically. Second of all, Norma pushes herself even further to her husband’s demise by keeping the button despite telling herself she would throw it out in the morning. For instance, Norma pushes herself even further to her husband’s demise by continuously interacting with the button, causing the curiosity to grow. Keeping the button despite telling herself she would throw it out in the morning, this is because she has recurring thoughts about it and what it would do. As a result, the further she messed with the button, the harder it

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