Current Events That Affect Comics

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Current events also affect comic book sales and characters. In times of great struggle comic books were a form of entertainment and relief. They gave everyone someone to root for and someone else to unanimously hate. The writers looked to real life to help push sales, that’s why Nazis were a common comic book enemy. However other global opinions can hurt comics such as racism. As aforementioned minorities were treated as jokes and comic reliefs. This was because racism was prevalent throughout every aspect of society. No white supremacist father would allow his son to read a comic with a Black person on the cover. Therefore mainstream companies never took the risk. Today we find the blatant disrespect to Hispanics, Asians and African Americans …show more content…

The one with the most responsibility for slowing the advancement of representation is society, the consumer. Once we stop making humans taboo, homosexuality, or stop deeming people too weak, women and the disabled, or stop hating each other for reasons they cannot control, minorities, then we can have true representation. Additionally if there is an issue that you find pressing, bring awareness to it; more awareness means less occurrence. It also requires to actually go out and purchase the comics they like and want to see. The only reason the comics are produced are to make money, this is how the creators make a living. So if they get support and their work does well then the creators get more work and are allowed to continue the series. We must also trust the writers and not get too precious with characters we love. When we try to censor the writers’ creativity and choices we are left with an incomplete boring story. There are plenty of diverse well written characters out there, people just have to step outside of their comfort zone and buy an independent title, it is only then will mainstream companies follow