Annotated Bibliography On Asian Americans

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Annotated Bibliography
Cheng, Susan. "10 Times Asian-Americans Fired Back Over Representation In 2016." BuzzFeed. Buzzfeed Inc., 20 Dec. 2016, k-in-2016?utm_term=.kqkO9A949E#.vwk0mom2m7. This article, written by Susan
Cheng, an Asian American Buzzfeed News Reporter, emphasizes the outrage Asian
Americans feel when encountering a lack of representation in Hollywood. The main ideas are conveyed through a list of the occasions in which Asian Americans have expressed their frustration over the insufficient supply of roles given to Asian American actors and actresses that would otherwise further the diversity in American media if they were to obtain the roles. Furthermore, this list also …show more content…

In this case, whitewashing is when a Caucasian actor is given the role of either a character-of-color, for example, Tilda Swinton’s Ancient One in Marvel’s Doctor Strange, or a role that can be rewritten as a character-of-color like Danny Rand in Marvel’s Iron Fist. Additionally, this article is important because not only does it provide examples of the problematic nature that Hollywood directors or typically non-actors-of-color possess and or condone, but also comprises of a personal bias from the author towards …show more content…

Such examples of racism in the media that they touch base on include whitewashing and yellowface, which is the practice of makeup or CGI effects to make someone look more Asian. While the article concludes with a short acknowledgement by
Emma Stone, who had previously played a mixed character of Chinese and Native
Hawaiian background in Aloha, as well as the director of Marvel’s Doctor Strange, it ultimately ends with Aziz Ansari deducing that the lack of diversity in the media is going to take forever to change. That being said, this article is more factual and less biased because Hess is not of Asian American background and most likely has no experience dealing with this issue, but is still essential to my research topic because it is filled with opinionated facts from celebrities speaking out about this in different events.
Zhou, Grace. "What’s Standing in the Way of Asian Representation?" ComicsVerse. ComicsVerse, 14 Jan. 2017, edia/ oes-hollywood-have-an-asian-problem. The purpose of this article is to explain and give background information on why Asians do not enter the media world in the