Current Market Conditions Competitive Analysis Paper

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Current Market Conditions Competitive Analysis
Allison Wesztergom
ECO 365
Reynaldo Caratao Boeing Inc.
Boeing Company is an American multinational corporation that designs, manufactures, and sells airplanes, rotorcraft, rockets, and satellites worldwide. After working for Boeing for over five years I got to see firsthand how large of a corporation it really is and how hard they work to be the best aerospace company and how they strive to be better than their competitors. Boeing is among the largest global aircraft manufacturers; it is the second-largest defense contractor in the world based on 2015 revenue, and is the largest exporter in the United States by dollar value. Boeing stock is a component of the Dow Jones Industrial …show more content…

Boeing faces aggressive international competitors who plan on increasing their market share. Some of these competitors are Airbus, Embraer and Bombardier other companies from Russia, China and even and Japan. Boeing is focused on improving its processes and continuing cost reduction efforts on all there designs. Boeing tons of competition in the market, the largest competitor being Lockheed Martin which is another American global aerospace, defense, security company. Boeing’s customers change from year to year, however some of their biggest customers are South West Airlines, Aero Cap Holdings, Emirates, United Airlines and American Airlines. Another one of Boeings big companies is the U.S Navy and the U.S Army. Boeing has delivered a total of 21,318 commercial airplanes to its customers, beginning with just 8 in 1958. In 2015 the company delivered 762 new planes, the most in its …show more content…

The office works with public officials across all levels of government including federal, state and local levels. They work with various third parties such as public policy groups, and international organizations. The Government Operations office ensure the regulatory and political climate in the U.S. is conducive to global aerospace and defense leadership. Some of the ways Boeing can maximize their product-making potential would be to lower price when competitors lower theirs and controlling cost and maintaining market share may be more important in to minimizing loss.

The future for Boeing looks promising for the 737 aircraft as it one of the most used jetliners out there for customers all over the world. The key and hope for the future of Boeing is adapting commercial technology more cheaply and quickly. The company has long sold militarized versions of its jetliners. In 2017 the Air Force is buying refueling tankers based on the 767 and the Navy P-8 submarine-hunting plane based on the 737.

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