
Customer Evaluation Essay

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Any business, no matter its size, is dependent on good customer relations. Even though some stores are not directly in contact with the public or another company, the items within the store will ultimately make its way to a customer and therefore all items in stock should be handled with care and be ready to either restock the company floor or be ready to be sent. A company is reliant on good repour not only to grow, but to survive in the competitiveness of the business world.
Without customer satisfaction, there will be no market for the company’s goods. Services and goods required need to therefore always be available, and be at/of a high standard.
Stock should be ready for release at any time (or as soon as, depending on the products sold …show more content…

From the salesperson to the packer, anyone who is involved in the company needs to remember that without customers the company can’t operate. It is imperative that customers are as happy as can be with them. Word of mouth is the best advertisement for any company. A satisfied customer will let their friends know and the chance of gaining more customers will increase. The opposite can and most likely would also happen in the event of unhappy customers. Nothing spreads faster than bad news after all.
The above, however, can’t be achieved without there being good staff relations. Happy staff will usually increase efficiency. More care will be taken with the stock and the items will be processed more speedily. If you enjoy being at work, you will most likely strive to always give 100%. Happy staff tend to be more open to suggestion and change within the company because they are consulted and listened to and feel as though they are valued within the company. The basics like fair remuneration and recognition of ability all play a role. This will not only show, but grow good effective leadership, offer a good working environment and ensure job security. When credit is

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