
Cyberbullying Epidemic In Today's Society

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Cyberbullying Epidemic
In today’s society, technology is a key part of everyone’s life. Teens have cell phones, laptops, and use computers in and out of school. Social media and applications target teens who are skilled at using these programs and devices; teens utilize these systems to communicate nonverbally with their peers. Through the development of technology, cyberbullying has appeared and evolved, having a growing negative effect on how teens view and navigate through life. The result of bullying online has led many of these victims to suicide, depression, and social or emotional instability.
Children of all ages have experienced bullying, whether it be in person or online. Communities have experienced suicide rates increasing …show more content…

When social matters are dealt with in the school setting, the so called “safe environment” has then lost its meaning. One study in 2011 identified this problem stating, “20% of high school students were bullied at school, and 33% reported being involved in a physical fight in the last year”(Konnikova). Educational focus is being affected by technology and the negative social interactions taking place online and being translated during the school day. This mental pressure is then carried over into the home life, and into the professional job environment for these teens. “Adult victims of cyberbullying tend to suffer higher levels of mental strain and lower job satisfaction”(Konnikova). Cyberbullying finds its way into mobile phones, schools, social networking, and even then follows these teens home at the end of the …show more content…

As these updated systems increase their importance, the lives of teens are more at risk, with so many more ways to get away with anonymous bullying online. A common source of negative communication takes place daily on a certain application, as“Twitter is a hotbed of bullying content, with up to 15,000 bullying tweets shared daily”(Pappas). It is too easy to say something online, which you wouldn’t normally have the audacity to say to someone if they were standing right in front of you. The attacker can write anonymously online and can keep their identity hidden. Virtually anywhere one goes, the bully can lurk and follow with access to social media, which teens rely on for school, communication, social life, calendaring their events and current events. The evolution of technology has demonstrated that anyone can hide behind the “mask” of a profile page; otherwise referred to as social

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