DDCE Reflection Essay Sample

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Thanks for sharing this. I don’t have any concerns about dates but I am curious why DDCE isn’t taking the lead on the other game weekend geared toward Hispanic students? Let me know when you have a chance. I’ve gotten a green light to add them to the list of campus partners I’m meeting with and plan to reach out to them today. If you can shed any light on your work with them in the past, it would be helpful to my conversation.

With regards to all of these dates, I’d like to discuss what role the colleges, schools, and DDCE (where appropriate) can and will play before any detailed itineraries are shared with them. Let me know when we would be good time for us to meet and discuss their past involvement and your thoughts going forward. I also want to talk with you more about a session I want to propose that COLA offer during the fall Texas Preview days, but I’d like to run it by you before making that request of them. …show more content…

My plan is to work with them to develop something that works for both offices (as opposed to me telling them what to do). I believe I have a good sense of what you’d like to see from these colleges, but if there’s anything else you feel I need to know, please share. I’m also reaching out to education on a more targeted proposal and have gotten feedback from nursing on what they can and can’t handle. I have meetings schedule with the new folks over in COFA and engineering next week, and a meeting with social work is pending. To that end, it will probably be a few weeks into the semester before we’re ready to launch anything. My goal is to get offerings in place that can be added to the schedule by the end of September. Until then, we should proceed with what they’ve given you as part of their regular/typical