DNA: Modern Societies And Social Complexity

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The next origin I am going to relate my question: ‘what is the origin of DNA?’ to is modern societies and social complexity. Because of modern societies we have been able to discover DNA. The discovery of DNA was a big break-through. There have been made great technological advances, medical advances, even commercial advances because of it. We can find evidence for crimes by fingerprinting, production of food is higher because we can genetically modify them, for instance. Because we now live in a modern society our brains’ capability has increased a lot when you compare it to older societies. We were able to find the key to the information for life. Our society is developing more and more, and we can cure serious diseases now because of this …show more content…

Which steps did Watson & Crick exactly make to come to this discovery? These persons themselves are the prove that we have reached a very impressive threshold. In the 1920s and 1930s most people thought the source for heredity were proteins, because they had all these different shapes and forms. Watson & Crick were both studying on something else, and were not officially assigned to do the study on DNA, they were not at all scientific leaders in their time. Linus Pauling was at the time a huge scientific leader, he published a structure of DNA before Crick & Watson did, however he was wrong about the structure. He published a structure with a triple helix, Crick & Watson immediately knew that this couldn’t be right because the sugar and the sugar-phosphate backbone is negatively charged, if you’d have three of these they would repel each other instead of attract. His error in basic chemistry gave Crick & Watson more time to make their discovery. The key to their final success was the technological X-ray crystallography, this machine can make the invisible world of molecules visible. But this is only understandable if you know what the patterns are. Rosalind Franklin was very good at deciphering these images and making sense of