
Daenerys Targaryen's Theory

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Daenerys Targaryen is a character from the television series Game of Thrones. In the first season of the show, she is banished from her homeland, Westeros, due to her family losing the throne. Her father was the king of the land, albeit a tyrannical one. His reign was chaotic, and his subjects were struggling; he ended up assassinated by his own knight. After that climactic event, Daenerys and her twin brother were exiled. Throughout the exilement, the two siblings conspired on how to win back their rightful throne. One of the plans was to marry Daenerys to a Khal, a king, in exchange for an army of Dothraki men (Dothraki would be their race). Although reluctant, Daenerys was weak and did not oppose. Her brother took advantage of her sexuality and used her for his political ambitions. On her wedding night, Daenerys was raped and could not muster the courage to say no. Throughout the season, she learns how to be …show more content…

The transitional event that led to the queen to further develop was the death of her husband and the miscarriage of her child. This traumatic event changed the relationship and role between Daenerys and the army she leads and her perception of herself; this is what author Goodman et al. (2016) describe is required for an event to lead to transitional development. She is now not a mother or someone’s wife. She is alone with an army. The way the Daenerys progresses with this event is positive: she decides to become the new leader of the Dothraki. She lights herself on fire and survives. This helps the army believe she is capable to be their new leader. One would not expect the woman who originally could not stand up for herself to do such a thing. This event ignited a fire in her and caused her to believe in herself to lead and to do what is right. Additionally, Daenerys decides to increase her efforts to win back the throne of her

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