Dally's Strengths And Weaknesses

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Have you ever met someone that risked his life for a friend? That’s Dally in S.E. Hinton’s, The Outsiders novel. He risked his life to save his friend’s life. He is a really good friend, he has some weaknesses and some strengths. These are some strengths about Dally. One of his strengths is that he is a good friend because he helped his friend’s out by giving them money, a gun, and a plan. These were his exact quotes, “Money maybe a gun? A plan. Where in the world would we get these things? Dally”, Johnny said with finality. “Dally’ll get us outta here”. Dally is a good friend because he gave them what they needed and a place they can hide in. Another strength is his love for Johnny. I know that because his friends say that about him. This