
Dante's Inferno: The Seven Levels Of Hell

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Hell is seen as many different things in people’s minds, we were all told different stories about what Hell looked like and how we would end up going to Hell. Hell is in many religious and folkloric traditions, it is a place or state of torment and punishment in an afterlife. As kids we were told that we would go to Hell for lying or committing a sin. The funny thing is that we also celebrate a holiday that certain religions say that it's the day claimed as the high, holy day of Satan worship. Festivities are marked by evil with blood sacrifices and pleasure of practices playing famous parts. Hell is talked about a lot in Dante’s Inferno and is used to punish people and how they committed sins and got placed in those levels of Hell. Dante explains how and what these types of Hell look like and what sins you have to commit to get there. I took a test and was placed in level 3 which is gluttony. Gluttony is habitual greed or excess in eating. Level 3 is the less serious Hell of the seven levels of …show more content…

The cold, hard, and heavy rain falls eternally.The huge hail stones were about the size of golf balls maybe even bigger. Everytime I took a step I would be hit with 5 hail stones, it was the worse pain I ever endured. The sleet and snow was constantly peltin me in the face. The damned souls that are around me were also being pelted, the sleet created a filthy slush on the ground over and around the tormented souls. I was hit with confusion, when I pictured Hell I pictured it being hot and fire everywhere not the freezing cold and snow and rain. I absolutely hate the rain and snow! I can’t feel my feet or hands anymore, I have bruised all over my body. This is not what I imagined it to be, there’s nobody here. I feel all alone, I feel like I have nobody to talk to, to get a better understanding why I am here. Please somebody that is out there tell me why and what I did

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