Darwin's Theory Of Natural Selection

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Darwin’s evolutionary theory provided the frame for psychologist’s understanding of human behaviour and influenced the development of psychology. He proposed that animals adapt and evolve through a mechanism called natural selection and sexual selection. His book On the Origin of Species was where he noted this theory and is described as the most defining and important book in evolutionary biology. Although it is argued by some that Darwin did not discover evolution, as evolutionary ideas had already been put forward and debated, his theory proposed the means which brought about evolutionary change.

The following is a short summary of Darwin’s theory. Natural selection states that evolutionary change comes through the creation of variation …show more content…

This was illustrated in William Paley's Natural Theology (1802) which argued that there is a clear design of natural objects which leads to the conclusion of there being a God which cleverly designed it all. Darwin’s Theory was rather controversial because it stated that man (homo sapiens) was merely another form of animal. So the fact that we evolved from apes destroyed the existing orthodox notion of humans being God’s special creation. Before Darwin, geologists were making discoveries which endangered the literal meaning of Genesis. While some were able to take this and find ways of reinterpreting Genesis to fit their faith, others exaggerated the radicalism of Darwin’s works. Much of this depended on a person’s existing beliefs as on the work …show more content…

Herbert defined sociology as “the study of societal evolution” and believed that the ultimate goal of societal evolution is complete harmony and happiness. (Evolutionary theory, 2004 p. 434). Spencer was heavily influenced by Darwin’s theory of natural selection and Spencer himself was considered a leading supporter of social Darwinism. Spencer used the term survival of the fittest to talk about the ongoing competition between individuals and groups in society. He theorized that “wealth and power are signs of intrinsic fitness, while poverty is considered as evidence of low standard” (Evolutionary theory, 2004 p. 434). Spencer was described as similar to Darwin in some ways, but Spencer took the Theory of Evolution one step further than Darwin by saying that it encompassed more than just