
Arguments Supporting The Theor Theory Of Evolution In Education

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Evolution has long been a controversial subject in the classroom. Between the debates of whether it is scientific, the argument of if evolution is a theory or fact as well as the religious debate between evolution and creationism. The theory of evolution has been both widely accepted and debated depending on who you ask. Evolution has created a debate that involves factual evidence, religious beliefs, and even the U.S. Constitution. While still a theory, evolution is one of many ideologies that help to describe how the Earth came to be. While no one is 100% sure of what happened millions of years ago, Evolution is seen as the closest answer to the question. However, the theory of evolution is just that; a theory. Through research one can explore evidence supporting the …show more content…

A theory is, “A proposed explanation whose status is still conjectural and subject to experimentation, in contrast to well-established propositions that are regarded as reporting matters of fact.” The theory of evolution was created in 1859 by a man named Charles Darwin. Darwin wrote a book called The Origin of Species in which he discusses his ideas on the theory of evolution. While his observations and thoughts on things such as natural selection, adaptation and characteristics are limited by knowledge and technology at the time, many of his ideas are still used today. As technology continues to develop researchers are uncovering new evidence supporting

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