
David And Goliath: Donatello Vs. Michelangelo

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Christina Sposato
Professor Jaime Haugh
HUM 2235
20 October 2015
David and Goliath: Donatello vs. Michelangelo It is not unusual for two artists to depict the same picture, moment, or person in their works. Often times, it can be quite interesting to see the similarities and differences between them. An example of this is the sculpture of David, created by both Michelangelo and Donatello. Through studying both of these pieces, it is clear that Donatello’s David was historically correct, and that Michelangelo’s David was a beautiful masterpiece. In Donatello’s David, the sculpture is very historically realistic and represents David close to what he may have looked like. This is the exact opposite for Michelangelo’s David. Historically, the …show more content…

Donatello’s David portrays the moment just after David’s victory. “… It captures the most triumphant moment in the biblical story: It is the instant after David has decapitated Goliath. His public life has begun” (O’Mara). David is also holding the stone in his left hand on his hip and the sword in his right. Michelangelo’s David is sculpted to show David just before his victory. This is something new, because almost every renaissance artist that had depicted David up to this time chose to show off the moment after the battle. In Michelangelo’s David, David is extremely confident. He has a slight smirk on his face and looks ready to face the giant Goliath. This is historically incorrect. The young David was not quite as confident in the moments prior to facing the giant. In the story, David is relying on God to help him win the fight. Michelangelo portrayed David as a confident man, and doesn’t look like he’s relying on anyone’s help, let alone …show more content…

Although vastly different, these statues do contain some common similarities. For example, both sculptures posed David in a classical Contrapposto stance. Contrapposto is an Italian term that roughly translates to counterpose. Its definition can be described as a human figure positioned with most of its weight on one leg. This stance was first seen in ancient Greece around 480 BC. Artists have been using this form in their own artwork ever since. Both sculptures in particular have an over exaggerated Contrapposto stance and for that reason strongly resembles classical Greek art. Also, both sculptors chose to sculpt David naked, which is not uncommon for artists to do. This is most likely to show his age and make him appear to be vulnerable. The vulnerability is intended to further showcase his

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