David Case Study Assignment

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Case Study Assignment – David (Part A) ABC’s and Function of Behaviour: One of David’s behaviours is to stare at women’s chests, give thumbs up and make “OK” sign when he finds women are attractive. The antecedent of this behaviour is when he sees women in public; and the consequence of his behaviour is women are starting to avoid him at the gym, which could lead to social isolation. The functions of this behaviour are for attention and for sensory needs. Another behaviour David does is using gestures and body language to express himself. The antecedent of this behaviour is when David is in social situations, and the consequence is he struggles to communicate and express himself appropriately. The functions of this behaviour are possible attention to be understood and try to escape the need to verbally communicate. David also invades the personal space of women by standing very close to them. The antecedent of this behaviour is when David is out in public, the consequence is that women are starting to avoid David. Lastly, David watches action movies …show more content…

This would allow him to choose how to respond in his own way but still encourage him to use his verbal skills. Also, giving David a choice of what activities that encourage verbal skills he would like to do during the school day. David would still be in control of what he would like to do but the activities would promote David to use verbal language to interact with others. The disadvantages of using choice include: the staff may not offer the choice; the staff may not be consistent with David in encouraging him; David could get overwhelmed when he has to express himself verbally more often, and this may lead to more behavioural