Dbq Essay On Globalization

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Globalization in the past 80 years has connected our world exceptionally well compared to the years before. Just under 80 years ago, when World War II ended, people saw an opportunity to grow together and learn from past mistakes. Globalization has brought the world together which has caused poverty rates to go down, work systems to become stronger leading to more accessibility, and overall life expectancy to increase. Globalization has forever changed the ways of the world and will continue to benefit people by bringing us together to become one substantial world. Globalization has benefited our world involving the decrease in poverty rates. Looking at Document 1, the author Max Roser expresses the “World Population living in extreme poverty, …show more content…

Globalization, along with bringing down poverty rates, also caused there to be a stable working system for people. Data from previous years of globalization shows that “In 1919, an average American wage earner had to work 1,800 hours to pay for a refrigerator; in 2014 they had to work fewer than 24 hours” (Document 2). This data expresses how appliances commonly used in the household today have become more accessible for average American workers, implying that the connection of the world in the past couple of centuries has made it easier for appliances to be transported around the world, increasing the works of trade. People today can now work less for more because of the increase in relationships around the world of countries and the stronger ability of production and distribution. Transportation is now substantially easier compared to past years, and the world continues to grow stronger in that way. Products can now be distributed around the world in an extremely efficient time. People can also travel easier and cheaper. “In 1974, it cost $1,442 (in 2011 dollars) to fly from New York to Los Angeles; today it can be done for less than $300” (Document 2). Globalization has connected the world ideologically, and economically, and caused great exchange in networks through the ways of agreeing among each other. We have seen an increase in the accessibility of products from the efficient system of work spread throughout the