Dead Rabbits And The Native Gangs: Different Styles Of Leadership Jankowski

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When comparing the Dead Rabbits and the Native gangs to the different styles of leadership Jankowski created I would say the Native’s were ran like a charismatic/ influential group and the Dead Rabbits were more like vertical/hierarchy group. I believe the Natives were run like that because there were no formal positions but it seemed like The Butcher ran the group. I feel like his authority came from his being charismatic and showing everyone he was the leader by money and power. Also when The Butcher was killed in the end the whole group disappeared unlike the Dead Rabbits; everyone that was a member of the Dead Rabbits still felt connected to each other and they never died off, the people in the gang were just suppressed. Thus making the Dead Rabbits more like a vertical gang. Finally the Priest and Amsterdam were seen as the president's who had a small group of people under them. …show more content…

The Dead Rabbits wanted to get the land away from the Natives by fighting and the Natives tried to control all the land and the small gangs on the land by violence, threats, and protection. The primary motivation for people to join gangs in the movie was to be protected from the draft. At the time of the movie the Civil War was going on and every man had to sign up for the draft but if they were in a gang they did not have to pay the dues to not go. The gangs relationship with the community helped create their success because people would loot, fight, and make money then share it with The Butcher. Thus making the gang more powerful. The gangs in the film could never be eradicated by the police because the police worked for the gang. They were protected and paid by the gang which meant they could never leave, if they would try have no pull in the town. Also almost every person in the town was part of a gang which would make it nearly impossible for the police to stop

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