
Death Of A Salesman Research Paper

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The world depends on the salesperson. Yes, businesses create wealth. Businesses pay salaries and give benefits. The health of businesses in a community determines the kind of life and the standard of living in that community. But will businesses survive without the salesman? No. There will be no sales without the salesman, and when sales stop, the world comes to a halt too.

The 80/20 Principle
Not all salespeople are successful. Like most anything business-related, salespeople follow the 80/20 rule in selling: the top 20 percent make 80 percent of the money and the bottom 80 percent make 20 percent of the sale. Furthermore the principle states that the top 20 percent of the top 20 make 80 percent of the money. What does this say? You need to be in the top 20 percent of the top 20 percent.

Getting there …show more content…

By employing the winning edge concept. You do not have to be a hundred times better than the next salesperson. Sometimes small technical things can cause a customer to buy from one salesman and not the other.
The difference between great salespeople and mediocre ones in terms of talent or skill is very small. But it is these small differences are what make the difference. Just be a little bit better than the competition, and be consistent with what you do. Once you develop this lead, you can expect it to grow provided you are consistently moving ahead, albeit lightly. The better you are, the better your results.
It also helps to keep the following insights in mind:
1. No one is born with salesperson qualities. You do not have to be born in a family of salespeople or have the right contacts and good grades. Although all these are factors, that can help people succeed in sales, not all successful salespeople had these when they started.

2. You have the power to develop your own salesperson skills and qualities. This has been proven time and again by immigrants who come to the country penniless but end up becoming

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