
Death Penalty Persuasive Speech

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How would you feel life one day you had everything taken away from you? If you were an aunt, uncle, mother, father, brother, sister, cousin, grandma, grandpa. And someone decided to just take someone you love away from you? They're gone for good to soon from your life or they has something happened to them that even they don't want to tell you and it changes them for the rest of their life and you don't know about it and maybe never will know about it. This is why we need to have the death penalty in all 50 states. What puts their life over anyones elses gives them the right to ruin someone elses? There are 31 states and even D.C. that has the death penalty. Not everyone who goes to jail will be put on in and not everyone who you think should be put on it will be put on it. But if someone thinks that it is okay to kill rape or even hurt a child they need to be put on it. Just imagine if that was someone that you loved or care for. It could really happen to everyone at any time. They do not use the death penalty as often as people think they do. In 2014 they only put 72 people on death row. That makes our cities, states, country so much safer knowing that they are off the streets and to know that they can't hurt anybody anymore. Lethal injection has the highest percentage of deaths within …show more content…

How does that make any sense at all. There are so many people in this that don't deserve to live. If you think that your life is better than someones elses well you're wrong what puts your life over theres? What gives you the right to ruin someone else's life or even ruin a family? Nothing. You're not better than them. Or even take away a child's innocence? There aren't many things in this world that can't be taken away from you without force and what you do you can never forget. You will have to live with knowing you ruined someone's life for ever and there is no way to fix

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