Declaration Of Teenage Independence Essay

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Declaration of Teenage Independence
When in the course of life events and over a period of years, us teenagers of all shapes, forms, and colors have declared our freedom. Freedom from being subjected to saying no to our friends for chores, saying no to our friends because we must watch our little siblings, and saying no to our friends simply because our parents want us to go where we refuse to go. Freedom to make our own decisions without an unasked for opinion. An unrequested comment. An irrelevant remark to why we shouldn’t go or do what we want to do. To an extend is it acceptable and reasonable but most times its retraining us from our young life with out the responsibilities of a job, bills, or payments. We hold these truths to be self …show more content…

Our parents refuse to let us have a good time because they didn’t to have theirs.

We have been obedient to their requests and demands yet there has been no change. No ending result that comes out in our favor. No matter how ridiculous the command may be, most of us abide by the terms and conditions while others act of themselves and do things without instruction and just go out. The consequences for those children may not be as severe as some of other children but the point is still the same, the main idea is still the same. We should not have to act out of line and do whatever we want to be disobedient to our parents. These rights should be given to us as our teenage years are limited.
We, therefore, declare our independence from our restrictive parents. Holding us back from our freedoms. We shall not be prevented from having the time of our life. We are only but fish wishing to swim freely and not be caught on a fishing hook. We don’t want to be in a confined space. We declare our rights as humans and our rights as teens to be free but responsible. To have fun but be mature. To laugh and play and know when it is time to be