Dee Myers 'Politico': Article Analysis

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Shahad Jadallah English 1301 Ms. Dies 20 October 2015 Social Classes In my analysis of Dee Dee Myers’s “Politico”, I argue that the article does not meet the standards for publication in The Shorthorn for many reasons. In the article Myers only gives one side of the argument; she makes the wealthy republicans seem that they get so many benefits with taxes and that they don’t want to help anyone else besides themselves. Since Myers is a democrat she lacks some input from the republican side to balance out the argument. In this biased article, Myers is trying to persuade the reader to what she believes. I believe that the University of Texas at Arlington community likes to read an argument that shows both sides of the story so they can pick a …show more content…

When Myers explained how tax structure is, she said, “the 400 Americans with the highest adjusted gross income saw their effective tax rates plummet from 30 percent in 1995 to 17 percent in 2007” (par.14). Myers tells us that the reason for this is because some big companies, like General Electric in 2010, don’t pay corporate taxes, and still benefit from millions of dollars in government subsidies. The people should know where their tax dollars are going, and to show that most of the time we don’t even benefit from what we pay for taxes, it’s the big companies and wealthy class that get the benefits. The Shorthorn readers may find it important to know how much they are spending on taxes and where their tax dollars are going, but Myers doesn’t provide enough information to back her …show more content…

This advantage is to help out the middle class, but most of the time it’s helping the people that don’t need it, the wealthy. Myers tells us, the reader, that some people in middle class can’t get this advantage when she says, “low- and middle-income earners are less likely to itemize deductions…the biggest benefit to people who buy the most expensive homes…lower brackets pay lower rates” (par. 17, 19, 20). To the readers of The Shorthorn, it’s good to know that there are things that could help with tax deductions. The readers are not provided with examples to prove that this set of information is true. Myers talks a lot about what the middle class should receive, but doesn’t tell us anything on what the wealthy want. Myers makes the wealthy seem like they do all these things on purpose, or to hurt the middle class, she needs to add more input on a wealthy person’s point of