Deer Poaching

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Over half of the worlds wildlife population has vanished in the last 40 years, and every indication points to humans as the main thing to blame for this loss of wildlife biodiversity. While our contribution to habitat loss and climate change plays a huge part in the loss of these species, poaching is also to blame.

There are many different ways people poach in the United States. In the United States Black Bear, Bighorn Sheep, Deer, and, shark finning in California are the popular animals to poach. Poaching can also take place online. The way poaching works online is the poacher will upload wither animal parts or living animals to sell then they meet up with a buyer and sell it, however online poaching is just as illegal as in the real world. …show more content…

On the black market shark fins sell for $500 a fin. Fishermen capture the sharks and cut off their fins while they are still living and then throw them back into the water where they then die. This is probably the most brutal way to poach an animal that I 've heard of. The U.S has a massive population of deer and everyone knows that. Deer poaching is also a serious problem even though there is a season to hunt deer. Deer can be poached by being overly hunted outside of the regular hunting season. Bighorn sheep have also been on the endangered list for quite some time. The Bighorn sheep was added to the endangered species list in 1998. Hunting isn 't the only thing that has caused the Bighorn population to decrease so rapidly. Land clearing and building projects have moved the sheep out of their territory causing them to perish. Poaching is a serious problem that effects more than just a few people. Recreational hunters, game wardens, and wildlife biologists all feel the repercussions from poaching. I 've heard it said that it only takes one person to make a difference and well that may be true, however it takes many people to come together to stop a problem like poaching. Poaching needs to be stopped for the sake of our future generations to come and our global wildlife