Defensive Driving Skills

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5 Essential Defensive Driving Skills for Safe Drive
Defensive driving is not something you need to learn. It is not about your driving skills. It is about other drivers’ driving skills and avoiding it. There are a lot of careless people on the road, and they have a habit of doing pretty silly things. Honestly, everybody has done something stupid sometimes on the road. The trick is in saving yourself from dumb things others do on the road.
Basically, defensive driving is about developing techniques that help you adjust to those around you and make safe driving decisions.
What Defensive Driving Skills are Essential for Safe Drive?
Old habits die hard. Everyone knows that. Learning defensive driving may take a little time, and it may take reminding …show more content…

The Big Picture: Like in any other life situation, during driving also looking at the big picture is essential. While driving, you should not fixate on a particular single thing, not even a potential hazard. You need to keep your eyes moving. You should be aware of what is happening all around you. Look and scan your mirrors, look left, look right, look way far ahead down the road.

3. Keep an Escape Plan Ready: Whenever you are out on the road, always have an escape plan ready. You can’t predict what other drivers will do, so to become a safe driver you need to be prepared for the worst and plan how to get out of it. Always keep asking yourself questions like what if the driver ahead slams his brake suddenly or what if a dog runs out on the road out of nowhere? By asking these questions mentally, you are preparing yourself for a plan of action. The best solution is to keep enough distance ahead and space in adjoining lanes.

4. Safe Following Distance: The most common mistake people do while driving is driving in packs. It is the easiest rule to follow. Even while driving at high speed in expressways, collisions could be avoided if you are driving at a safe distance. If you have a safe distance between the vehicles in front of you, you have time for evasive

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