Define Human Relations And Community Policing

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1. Define human relations, public relations and community relations. Give an example of each. Use at least one outside source to support your answer. (5 points)
• The book defines human relations as “Everything done with each other as human beings in all kinds of relationships.” An example of that would simply be interacting with the community while on daily patrol.
• The book defines public relations as “activities performed by police agencies to create a favorable image of themselves to the public.” An example of that would be passing out ice cream when it’s really hot outside.
• The book defines police-community relations as a few agencies sending out officers to deal with the community and reduce tensions. An example of that would be …show more content…

**List three programs administered and supported by the Office of Community Oriented Policing Services (COPS) and briefly discuss them. Next, go to the COPS website and review the report: The Final Report of the President’s Task Force on 21st Century Policing (you will need to search the site or use the link below). Explain the report’s findings on community policing. What recommendations does the report make for improved community-police relationships? Use one outside source to support your answer. (10 points) • They support the Reno model which is a training program developed in Reno that emphasizes community policing and problem solving policing.
• They support the regional community policing institutes. Their goal also focuses heavily on creating new policies and training curriculum that teach problem solving based policing and community relations.
• Also any agency that tries to develop new ways to respond to drug use in their respective community gets funding from COPS.
• The documents findings suggest that community policing is working and that at least in Ohio. The focus should be on getting out more and interacting and that we should start to do more problem-solving as a state as a