Definition Essay Beauty

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If you were to think of the word beauty, you will probably think of a baby, your favorite flower, or even your spouse and kids. Yet the girl next to you was probably thinking of an art gallery, Justin Bieber, or Paris. Beauty is only in the eye of the beholder. Nevertheless, the word “beauty” is abstract, and does not have a true meaning; everyone has their own definition when it comes to beauty. However, if beauty were to be defined, it will be defined as an advantage to something. People who seem to have an attractive figure are seen as having an advantage in society. Therefore, the word “beauty” has become biased to the point where people think it is okay to force themselves into a size two pants. Beauty alone has caused a lot of damage …show more content…

Most people lean toward people that are considered to be attractive as they are seen as intelligent, inspiring, successful, and in good health. The first impression is everything, as Temimah Zucker express that “in a realistic world where not only are men with salt and pepper hair considered distinguished and wise but women, however, they may look at whatever age, must be acknowledged for who they are rather than their appearance.” This states that the first impression is based on physical attractiveness, yet the expectation is higher for attractive people than mediocre people. There is not a common standard of attractiveness, yet it is common for women to be objectified in today’s society. Due to the fact that most women walk outside in tight clothing to play a certain image. This leads to women believing that they have to be a walking plastic barbie in order to fit in while this can also produce health problems for those who cannot afford to have themselves cut open. Instead, they might go on a hunger diet to fit into a size two pants, not knowing that most healthy people probably fit into a size ten …show more content…

Yet, other studies show that being attractive can actually hurt your chance at a job interview as someone of the same gender may not want to hire you due to being more attractive, and is considered to be a threat. Everyone always thinks of the positive side when it comes to looking attractive, not knowing that most of them bought themselves to look this good. Consequently, years of plastic surgery can catch up to the person as they have to be hospitalized due to the silicon becoming too heavy for the body. In an article from Forbes, a doctor shares his experience about “a young mother in her 20s, who got a breast augmentation ... returned six months later and had the implants removed.” This shows that plastic surgery is always the right way to go while it may improve physical attractiveness, it does not improve