Definition Essay Examples

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Community Illustrated
Community can be defined as, “ a social, religious, occupational, or other group sharing common characteristics or interests and perceived or perceiving itself as distinct in some respect from the larger society within which it exists (usually preceded by the):” (, but it isn’t that easy to define. When asked what community is I could give the exact definition, but it’s not as simple as just a definition because it means something different to everyone. We are all parts of different communities and those communities mean something different to the people in that community. There are many aspects of community that are interesting to me, from the communities we are born into, the communities we join, how …show more content…

When asking what community means to someone you’ll likely receive various different answers that tell a different story. To some people community is just that your geographical location is close, to others that it is you have a shared interest, sometimes it’s about life experience, or for some it’s a mix. Community can’t be pinned down to just one thing it’s a vast, and changing relationship of people. It’s easy to overlook all the communities that were apart of or not to not recognize that we are a part of that community or that, that community even exist. because communities can be hard to …show more content…

What does it feel like when your community isn’t part of the wider community, and not because you don’t want to, but because your community isn’t accepted, or when your community no longer accepts you because of a new community you have joined. These tend to be the parts of community that aren’t talked about, but are important when thinking about community. I live in a small town near the Lake and have witnessed first hand how separated the smaller communities can be from the larger community. Obviously this isn’t a new part of community just something that tends get swept under the