Definition Essay On Anger

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According to Merriam Webster, the definition of anger is, “A strong feeling of annoyance, displeasure or hostility.” It will control your entire being if you let it consume you. Small or large trigger actions will bring out the frustration and turn it into rage. Being angry is having a negative response to an altercation or a bothering substance. Anger can cause oneself to lose control of their actions, and cause a momentary response that derives from the feelings of being threatened, annoyed or stressed. Anger is feeling threatened by someone or something. Anger is built from an outsider threatening your family’s well-being. It is necessary to defend and protect the ones you love. When a man tries to catch a feel as you are walking down the hallway, and you quickly turn around to slap his hand to defend your dignity and respect. The feeling of being suffocated in your own home because, you still sleep in the same bed that your father molests you in. The frustration of not being able to tell anyone because you cannot stomach telling the story to someone else and you know that if you do “daddy” will issue the consequences. You scream and cry in frustration until you just run out of tears and you lay your head back down on the same bed, trying to forget. Then anger begins to creep in your back window and corrupt your mind until …show more content…

It is the constant ticking noise on a clock, tic-toc, tic-toc, tic-toc. Hands shaking, head pounding, body tensed up with heat when entrusting your personal issues with someone and they spread your business like wildfire. The feeling after a heated argument with your significant other and one has to sleep on the couch for the night, that is anger. The he said, she said altercation that brings a wave of aggression because you know you are right and they have to be lying. No one can tell you about yourself because you are perfect and cannot be touched and if anyone tries it, it