
Definition Essay On Being Homeless

1044 Words5 Pages

Madison Ginn
Brandie Trent
ENG 100
18 October 2022
Does one have to be without a home to be homeless?
Driving down the street, you see something that catches your eye. An elderly man with worn down clothes holding a small cardboard sign that reads, “Homeless. Please help. Need food for my family. God Bless America.” As you drive by, you feel sympathetic, yet you don’t stop to donate food and give him your blessings. A question lingers in your mind: Is this man actually homeless? The simple answer is yes, that man is ‘homeless.’
Homelessness is defined as a person lacking a regular and adequate nighttime residence, and if they sleep in a shelter designated for temporary living accommodations or in places not designated for human …show more content…

To some, a home may just be a physical structure that is simply four walls and a place to sleep with no emotional meaning behind it. Those who are suffering lack the support needed from others. Many may even have disabilities or are survivors of abuse and neglect in their past that cause them to feel emotionally homeless. An example of a place that is considered a shelter, but not a home is a nursing …show more content…

The worldwide answer is a person who lacks a home, someone living under a bridge, or a person holding a sign hoping someone will be kind enough to donate a small portion of food or money. Unfortunately, ‘emotional homelessness’ goes unheard of and is a serious issue for those who struggle with it. When your home is no longer safe, you feel unloved and neglected, and have no mental or emotional stability, you are ‘emotionally homeless.’ Many currently think to be considered homeless, you must be without a home; however, you can actually be considered homeless even with the presence of a residence. ‘Emotional homelessness’ is a struggle for those who are coping with it, and they are unfortunately misunderstood because of the stigma surrounding the ‘true’ definition of homelessness. Having a home and feeling at home are completely different things. As the powerful quote by Judy Garland states, “Home is where the heart

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