Definition Essay On Book Smart Kids

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Imagine seeing a child being grouped into the “smart kids” just because he or she got a high grade on one test while another child gets classified as “dumb” among his or her peers because of the same test. Most school systems define intelligence by test scores; however, maybe the child who received a bad grade was having a rough day so they took their test with a negative attitude. Perhaps the child that achieved the “A” was having a good day and took the test with a positive attitude. Let’s just face it maybe the child that is classified as “dumb” really is not good with tests or school in general, but that does not mean that they are not intelligent in other ways. People think in different ways, but just because they are not what society …show more content…

History has given a broad definition of intelligence. As the definition changes and takes on different types of intelligence, the meaning of the word changes. History has separated intelligence into three major categories. The people of the world have commonly defined the categories of intelligence as “book smarts”, “street smarts”, and common sense. Different people have various strengths among these three categories. Some people have a better understanding with learning from a book or a teacher. However, others may learn better when they are given an opportunity to learn physically. As people become aware of the different ways to learn, the meaning of intelligence changes again. The contrasting definitions of intelligence have made it difficult to actually determine how intelligence really is …show more content…

Just because an entire family defines “cool” as a low temperature while another family in the same community defines it as an impressive person, thing, or idea does not mean that one family is right while the other is wrong. Intelligence is taught differently among communities and even among families. One family may say their child is intelligent for receiving A’s on his or her report card. However, another could consider their child intelligent because they have a job directly after they graduated high school. Intelligence is an abstract concept that can be defined uniquely according to each