
Definition Essay On Confidence

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As a personal development coach, a question that comes my way nearly every day is, "how do I gain confidence." I'm sometimes surprised at the crazy notions people can have regarding "what it takes" to become a confident person. Some even produce a laundry list of things they believe they must do, achieve and overcome in order to gain confidence.

When this happens, my primary job shifts from coach to "bubble buster." Here's why:

Building confidence is a process, but it does not have to take ages. Well-meaning "experts" will often tell you the opposite: "there are no shortcuts to building confidence-it takes a long time, and lots of hard work, yada, yada, yada..."

Allow me to strongly disagree. Confidence is not something you gain because …show more content…

But that wasn't always the case. For much of my life I accepted the reigning paradigms of pettiness and self-loathing that are so prevalent in society (see any of the so-called "reality" TV shows for verification). I only gained personal and financial freedom after I began to see through some of the disinformation that pollutes our collective consciousness, and decided that "I" had tremendous value simply because I was here-no matter what I did, said or achieved (of all the nerve!).

When an individual 'wakes up" and begins seeing this illogical, competitive paradigm that much of the world operates under for what it is, they become supremely confident. They no longer are bound by achievement or the opinions of others.

Ironically, people who develop this level of self-acceptance often achieve great things. When you are not bound by achievement or competition, your creative mind takes center stage, and you begin creating greatness in your life, instead of pissing around with the "rat race" trying to compete for

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