Definition Essay On Happiness

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The formula for happiness is not etched in stone. There is no certain procedure to follow to consequently obtain happiness. The necessary steps are unique to each individual and following the path of another will not necessarily guarantee the same outcome. The idea that the most pleasurable moments of a person’s life make up their happiness has a certain amount of merit. Pleasure plays an undeniable role in the happiness of a person. However, the actions an individual finds the most pleasing do not always lead to lifelong happiness. In today’s society it is becoming increasingly more difficult to distinguish between pleasure and happiness. The things that bring pleasure are presented with such overwhelming availability that it is understandable how a person can confuse the two. The focus of society has shifted towards instant gratification. The idea that happiness is easily obtainable if a person should only purchase an expensive car, secure the latest iPhone, or even consume enough drugs or alcohol. This culture has created desires within society that are reacted to by the Dalai Lama in this passage,
The demarcation between a positive and a negative desire or action is not whether it gives you an immediate feeling of satisfaction but whether it ultimately results in positive or negative …show more content…

Therefore, so has the idea of true happiness. Happiness is more of a state of being and pleasure is only a component of it. Happiness comes from an inner satisfaction not sustainable by an external force. The things that develop this type of feeling will vary for each individual but can include, falling in love, achieving goals, and reaching full potential. Happiness is a combination of many things, including pleasure; however, it is not the product of pleasure alone. Philosopher John Stuart Mill explored this same thought and came to this