Definition Essay On Love

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Love is one of the most profound emotions known to human beings, there are many kinds of love, but mostly people seek its expression in a romantic relationship with a compatible partner, (Seth Meyers, 2007) , a different view offered by Martin Luther King Jr (1984) Love is the only force capable of transforming an enemy into friend.
(Colin Firth, 2010), It’s a very dangerous state inclined to recklessness and kind of tune out the rest of the persons life and everything that’s been important is not that pleasurable who wants to get in a situation where it is impossible to bear an hour without somebody’s company, Lehar, J (2016) Book of Love. New York : pg.134 ,offered a similar view. Love confuses and compels people and it can destroy …show more content…

Sexual desire usually represents a more romantic, interpersonal experience for women than for men. Women need to feel emotionally connected before sexual intimacy, whereas men tend to feel more emotionally connected after sex. According to (Dr Glass 2016). Attraction is important. Similar view from (Kaufholz,
Sharing fears and worries can help build emotional intimacy, according to (Loop. E 2001). The subject here is not whether the couple no longer likes each other, or one of the two has found somebody else outside the relationship or finds their partner boring, hateful, or any negative adjectives. the real connection must do with one’s inner self it has nothing to do with inner energy, the real attraction/connection should come from the place where that goes way beyond the everyday mundane human things we do in life connects him or her to the partners’ inner self. According to (Kortsch, G
Sometimes when each spouse works and they can’t agree on financial issues they decide to split the bills down the middle to allocate them out in fair and equitable manner, if a spouse has more debt and the other is free of debt is creates sparks which leaves partners asking questions about what is done with the money. said (McWhinney, E.J -