Definition Essay On Nervousness

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I remember standing, staring with my fist balled up full of sweat. Not knowing what people would think or if they were thinking. My head was all over the place. Nervousness for me was a characteristic. It somewhat defined me because i never was a people person and being confronted by anyone would make me tense up. If you were a quiet person and seemed nervous you most likely had a bad experience in life that made you the way you are. The root word” nervous’’ is having or showing feelings of being worried and afraid about what might happen.
One day my class was having a talent day where you could show off your special skills and I was going to sing. Two minutes before my performance i began to get hot. My hands and feet began to sweat and the expression on my face told it all. My legs grew weak. Another time was when i had to recite this speech my voice trembled and my face turned red. Nervousness can be petrayed in many different ways. …show more content…

It’s the feeling you get right before you make the biggest decision of your life. Anxiety contributes to nervousness. where theres one theres the other somehow tied in. Some synonyms for nervous are fear,worry, and tension. Actions that show the adjective are butterflies. Butterflies is a feeling you get in your stomach you may become light headed as well. Its when you feel your heart beating out of your chest and you feel as if you were losing breathe. Panic attacks can result from having a nervous breakdown. Nervous conditions can be created overtime from built up stress, abuse, and bad experiences. A lot of this ties in with the nerves in the brain too. Some overthink too much to a point where tension builds up and nervous breakdowns occur. Nervousness is no Joke it’s

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