
Definition Essay On Suicide And Free Will

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Assuming fate exist then any action or thought is determined by a higher force and not of free will. Since a higher force determined all actions and thought there is now way to choose for oneself and there is no free will. Since there is no free will nothing can be done without a higher force allowing it. Because the higher force allows it a person can learn that they have no free will. Once someone determines they have no free will it stands to reason they will believe nothing they do is done by themselves even if it feels like it. Because they can do nothing themselves they cannot give anything meaning therefore they cannot give their life meaning. In order to have meaning they have to accept whatever the higher power has gifted them. If …show more content…

It is safe to say that murder most likely does not fulfill someone nor does suicide. Suicide is rather a person determining their life has no more meaning and if a higher power is determining every thought and action then the higher power determined their life has no meaning, so why would a higher power determine they would be born anyways? Perhaps the person already fulfilled a purpose they can serve during their lifetime and so they were no longer useful, but why have them commit suicide instead of dying in some other manner? Assuming the higher power is not making arbitrary decisions the suicide must have had a purpose to serve different from a natural death or an unnatural death of other causes. Using a suicide as an example to prevent other suicides makes not sense because the higher power determines the number of suicides anyway. If it is using the suicide to cause more suicide to reach the number of suicides it determined it still needs a reason for all the suicide. It cannot be suicide for the sake of suicide because it makes no sense that suicide has something which is intrinsically

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