
Definition Essay Stress

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‘Stress’ is one of the biggest problems of this modern society we live in; a problem people have to face daily and need to learn how to deal with in order to live a healthy life. Even though some people say that some kinds of stress are good for you, stress can, firstly, lead to some serious health problems. Secondly, if not dealt with, it can affect your thoughts and feelings. Finally, it can impact not only your body, but your behavior as well, and the consequences can be very dangerous.

Psychologists state that there are two kinds of stress: the ‘good stress’ and the ‘bad stress’. The first we experience when we feel excited, but there is no threat or fear. We feel this type of stress when we ride, for example, 'The Hulk' roller coaster, …show more content…

Headaches, heart diseases, obesity, diabetes, are just some examples. And the list goes on: backaches, asthma, gastrointestinal problems, Alzheimer’s disease, high blood pressure, ulcers, and even premature death.

Besides health problems, it can also impact people mentally and emotionally. Psychological stress can lead to some mood disorders such as depression and anxiety, which is something we see happening more and more often, even to children. As a result, a change is usually noticed in people’s behavior who suffer from that, for instance, more irritability, social withdrawal, decreased interest in appearance, decrease in work productivity or concentration. Moreover, in many cases, depression can lead to suicide.

Even though stress can be something positive, if we experience it over an extended period of time, it can become something very negative, which might affect your health, mind, emotions and behavior. However, there is a light at the end of the tunnel. It is believed that if some actions are taken, such as doing activities that cause you to experience ‘good stress’, exercising, sleeping well, or simply by building strong relationships, people will be able to reduce their levels of stress and, consequently, protect their health in the long

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