
Definition Essay: What Does Freedom Means To Me

338 Words2 Pages
What does freedom mean to me? Now you're probably thinking i'm going to say something like.” It means you can do whatever you want!” Uhh no i'm gonna be truthful with you. Freedom to me is being able to walk down the street drinking some coffee out of a “plastic” cup, throw it in the trash and not have someone yell at me to recycle it! Now be prepared for “boring nation” cause i'm fixing because i'm fixing to bore you with LOTS of examples. Freedom to me! Being able to wake up in the morning and not have someone yelling at me, telling me what I have to wear, how to wear it and how to fix my hair. Being able to go into public and say what i want to say. Without someone judging me. Now i'm not sure if this is racist(just cause the way
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