
Definition Essay: What Is Love?

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What is it that separates you from a stranger across the road, from everybody in a room? Is it your financial status, is it that you feel an instinct pulling you closer, or is it the physical attraction of that person. No it is love, but what is love? Scientists still have yet to find what love really is, why we feel sad when people we love die or how we even fall in love. It is a huge mystery. Love controls us it is the breath we first take when we wake up in the morning. It is to crave, an addiction, a parasite leeched onto your brain, a virus that’s taken over your body, a constant felling for another human in which you have no control over.
What is it that made us fall in love? Who was it that made us feel this way? Our family and our friends? I love my friends so does that hypothetically put them at an equal state as my real family. I believe there is a higher craving for love in some people than others. I believe you can love anything just as much pets, shoes, and even unrealistic things. Love is the strongest thing ever. Even if you are billions of lightyears away you still love what you love. How is this …show more content…

No love is the moment you let go and want it more. Love is when you see that significant human that stands out from all the others and feel complete once again because before that moment you were missing a piece. Love is a connection between us and the world around us. It helps us understand who we are somebody might love you and somebody might not, it’s the way of life. Love is limitless it is not something you can buy, earn, or force. Love is unique it must come from an individual that’s developed it towards something or somebody else. Love has the power to transform a life or break a life. The power to make an adult drop to his or her knees and cry like a three year old child. It’s made an impact in billions of peoples life’s positive or negative us all learn how to

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