Definition Essay: What Is Religion And Theology?

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What is religion and theology?

Religion has many different forms of definitions. Usually it suffers from either this problem or the other. It could be a narrow and exclude other forms of religion or it could be vague and everything would be a form of religion. A definition of being narrow can be defined as a belief in a God, leaving out other forms of religion like the ones who do not believe in God. A vague definition of religion is defined as worldview. Most people understand the definition of religion as a belief in a supernatural god or gods and practice the ethics given. Religion in my understanding is nothing but a bunch of bull. Especially the ones like the Baptist, Catholics, and Protestants etc. etc... How does 1 supernatural being …show more content…

Yet, we have people walking around saying that certain people will be condemned to hell and so on. Why is it that other people’s religion bad? The ancient Egyptians believed there was a sun god and an underworld god shoot they even had a god for water. Another example would be like the Chinese who believed that there is a god for everything in nature. But their people are not as judgmental as the people who we have here in America. If you do not belong to a religion and decide to not believe in any god then you are seen as a vile person and that we belong in hell for not believing. Personally, I believe most if not all people that partake in religion are the most hypocritical people you can find out there. They tell you that if you do something that it is a sin yet they turn around and do the same thing but for some reason they are the ones that will be saved and forgiven. Not only are they hypocritical but they also judge! If you are not part of their religion and you tell them so you will get scolded and they will say that you are wrong and everything they say is right. Think of religion as a government it has a structured system like an actual government. With this system people of higher power use their power to manipulate the …show more content…

Well theology is a word that is derived from 2 Greek words that make out the meaning of the study of God. Theology is nothing more than the study of digging deep into God’s word so we can discover about what has been revealed of himself. After doing this we get to know God as the creator of the universe. That he is the head honcho. When studying theology you get to know god more in a sense that we glorify him by being the best believers we can be. Theology is also a personal study of god that is intense. With theology we discover more about our religions as we study deeper into that specific religion. We learn about our own traditions or others. We can also challenge or go against a religious tradition or the world view. The significance of theology is that it is not limited to a specific sphere. When speaking of god or gods at the same moment they are also speaking of the meaning of existence. Almost all religions in the world are deal with the different elements and levels when dealing with different levels. We know theology to be a tool of knowledge that is used for protection and teaches us about