
Definition Essay: Is One Religion Just Another Religion?

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Depending on how someone was raised, whenever they hear the words “religion” or “Christianity,” they either listen with open ears or roll their eyes in disgust. Some people think religion is a waste of time, and some think Christianity is just another religion. It is not. Religion is man trying to reach God or a god. Christianity is God reaching out to man and connecting to man through a relationship. Though Christianity is usually defined as a religion, a more accurate definition is a relationship with God with love, communication, trust and faith, and sacrifice holding the bond together. Just like any relationship, love needs to be present before anything else. The type of love that God has for us is an unimaginable, and undefinable, kind. The Greeks invented the word “agape” to describe the never-ending love of God. Agape …show more content…

God is faithful and trustworthy, two concepts of a relationship that must be present for it to work. Because He is faithful and trustworthy, we can have faith and trust in Him. Linking back to communication, if we do not believe what He is saying and trust that He knows what he is doing with whatever it may concern, then what is the point of the relationship? “Christian” literally means one with Christ. One cannot be one with Christ if they do not trust or have faith in Him. That is why these are such major ideas. Scripture says that when we trust in the Lord’s mercy, our hearts will rejoice in His salvation (Psalms 13:5). This means that when we are faithful to Him, He will reward us. Everyone loves being rewarded, so why not be faithful all of the time so we can receive the gifts He has for us? Trusting in God also means that we must be willing to give up anything for

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